Sept. 10, 2017

DD 014: The Three Stages of Divorce – the Before, During and the After, Looking for Inspiration, Exhaust Every Avenue, Stand Your Ground, Loving the Least and We’re Going to Sizzler.

DD 014:  The Three Stages of Divorce – the Before, During and the After, Looking for Inspiration, Exhaust Every Avenue, Stand Your Ground, Loving the Least and We’re Going to Sizzler.

We’re excited to have Pete back in the house.  He and I vibe so well on a vast variety of subjects.  Our topic today; the three stages of divorce, takes us on an interesting podcasting journey.  Scary that we think so much alike.  Maybe brothers from different mothers back in the day.  A binding contract, rent me for Valentines Day, we are all mammals, no self-identity and comparing people to our ex’s all dominate the conversation here.  Stay awhile and take a listen….