Divorce Devil Podcast 073: How to you mix Divorce Recovery with the do's and don'ts on social media?

We could have done this podcast in a few episodes. There are so many facets to social media and divorce recovery. We both agree that you shouldn’t just jump in with both feet and do a brain and/or heart dump. Social media is not the place for airing that laundry. With limited positive attributes in doing that, you should keep it simple and easy when posting. As you know, once you post it, it is out there for all the world to see. Discussions of Mercury is in Gatorade, trolling Facebook groups, screw-on penises, he forgot his password, passive-aggressiveness, and the War and Peace book of dating are all touched on. Please folks, be easy with social media while going through the beginning, middle, and end of your divorce. You can always say more, but once it is in the universe, it’s too late. Enjoy…

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