June 26, 2022

Divorce Devil Podcast 080: Top 10 fails that can happen during your divorce recovery.

Divorce Devil Podcast 080: Top 10 fails that can happen during your divorce recovery.

Infused with technical difficulties and laughter (as usual), we actually got through all of our top 10 lists. Tales of heartbreak and anger, dating too soon, Jesus got Covid from the little Drummer Boy, ‘naw - you’re a dude’, guilting yourself, zero f^cks given, take peeks into the past, letting it go, a less chaotic life and levels of guilt play a part in this interesting podcast. Maybe something we discuss hits home for you. Let us know in the comments or drop us a line - we love to hear from you!

#1 Telling your story too quick
#2 Dating too quick or too soon
#3 Becoming too cynical and closed off
#4 Using the kids as pawns
#5 Guilting yourself crazy
#6 Not letting it go
#7 Not realizing you are in a better place
#8 Embracing your life being one step out of fear
#9 Thinking you are damaged goods
#10 Pushing your life aside and not experiencing life after divorce