Feb. 18, 2022

Divorce Devil Podcast 063: Organically and inorganically dating after divorce, tips, tricks and methods.

Divorce Devil Podcast 063:  Organically and inorganically dating after divorce, tips, tricks and methods.

Want to start dating after divorce?  Tips, tricks, and methods to lessen the pain of your post-divorce dating experience.  Focusing mostly on online dating, we dive into some of the yes and no factors existing in that space.  Discussions of meeting men at Home Depot, keeping it positive, updating your profile, not letting it consume you, not dating with your heart and professional dry humping come up in this podcast.   The joys and pitfalls of dating can be rough.  Going into it with realistic expectations knowing that you are dating for finding friends and not love turns out better in the end. Good luck and when you stub your toe, wipe it off, bandage it and keep it moving!  Enjoy.

A Dry Humping Professional