March 25, 2022

Divorce Devil Podcast 067: How do you get past the hurt, anger and disappointment?

Divorce Devil Podcast 067: How do you get past the hurt, anger and disappointment?

Rachel and I dive into ways to get past the hurt, anger and disappointment.  Methods can include ripping off the bandaid, leaning into the pain, putting walls up, compartmentalizing, opening the door a little bit, giving no fu%ks, laughter, having goals, making boundaries, living in the neutral, and/or figuring out what perspective you are missing.  With both of us living in anger and failure respectively for a long time, we have experienced some of the previously mentioned methods.  Figuring out what will and does work for you is part of the battle. 

Topics of Count Chocola, Ms. Piggy, and Kermit, divorce zombies, being in the midst of the chaos, getting Angela back, divorce sex magazine, and laughing to keep from crying all receive honorable mention in this podcast.  Enjoy our different takes on that divorce subject.