Jan. 5, 2024

New Year, New You - in your divorce recovery || Divorce Devil Podcast 159 || David and Rachel

New Year, New You - in your divorce recovery  ||  Divorce Devil Podcast 159  ||  David and Rachel

In this episode, We discuss the concept of a new year as a fresh start and how it relates to the process of divorce recovery. While emphasizing the importance of letting go of the past and the need to go through the emotions, motions, and challenges of...

In this episode, We discuss the concept of a new year as a fresh start and how it relates to the process of divorce recovery. While emphasizing the importance of letting go of the past and the need to go through the emotions, motions, and challenges of divorce in order to heal and move forward we also discuss the significance of self-discovery, setting goals, and finding balance in the journey of divorce recovery. Ultimately, we highlight the idea that every day is an opportunity for a new start and encourage listeners to be gentle with themselves throughout the process.

Takeaways and Interesting Points:

-divorce recovery is similar to starting a new year, as both represent turning points and opportunities for reflection and growth

-letting go of the past and the life and identity you had in the marriage is necessary for healing and moving forward

-emotional upheaval is a normal part of divorce recovery, and being self-aware can help navigate the ups and downs

-the process of divorce recovery involves self-discovery

rediscovering interests and needs, and redefining oneself

-setting small goals and focusing on progress rather than perfection can lead to positive changes and growth

-finding balance in life and mindset is crucial for navigating the challenges of divorce recovery

-every day is an opportunity for a fresh start, and milestones along the way mark progress and growth

-everyday is Christmas

-give yourself grace

-the door is a bully

-366 days this year

-more man dot com

-tomorrow is a new day

-take the small wins